Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Regrets + Disappointments

Here is a wonderful insight I heard....

A regret is something you did that you wish you hadn't
            or something you didn't do that you wish you had...

A disappointment is something you did that just didn't turn out exactly the way you may have planned.

Fortunately, I have many more disappointments than regrets, and actually not that many disappointments after all....

1 comment:

  1. It is unreal how we can each look back on our life, at the hills we climbed- the deep holes we fell in- the moments when we thought that the night would never end.....but we saw the sunrise again, there is always HOPE. Especially blogging and keeping a journal gives us the opportunity to see how HaShem had a plan the entire time and those struggles were part of the greater good. AMAZING.

    My friend used to tell me "Failure is the opportunity to start again". And in Judaism we say everything is HaShem( that means EVERYTHING) and HaShem is Good. B"H.

    We read the Torah, we have this privledge of seeing our ancestors history trials and tribulations laid out before us and to see the prophecies and how all of their journies were divine and meant to happen tho they themselves might have questioned HaShem.

    B"H for our Torah.

    Thank you Barbra for being so non-judgemental, a free spirit, a woman of valor, for teaching and inspiring others. Luv-adalia
